
Showing posts from February, 2013

Do you know why a shot is called a shot?

A shot comes from the frontier days of America. If you went into a tavern without any money you could trade a bullet for a small glass of whiskey. Now you know.

Time to Start Gardening!

It may be cold, wet, and miserable today but we do occasionally get the mild winter day here in PA. On those days I want to be outside, and one of the things I do is turn the soil in my garden. It may seem way to early or even a little crazy but there is a good reason. It makes for a healthier garden by helping any leftover organic matter from the year before decompose. But most importantly it kills the insects and weeds in your garden that are under the surface just waiting for spring. This will seriously reduce the amount of weeds and pests this season and it feels great to work in the garden after being cooped up inside most of the time. Soon it will be time to design the garden and start the seeds indoors. Don't forget planting day is Mother's Day here in Bucks County PA. Happy Gardening!